The cuisine of Gabon - Africa

Africa Gabon GA Gabon Tunisia Sao Tome and Principe Gambia Niger Ethiopia Sudan Eritrea Somalia Equatorial Guinea Sierra Leone Egypt Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Djibouti South Africa Mali Seychelles Cape Verde St Helena, Ascension Tristan da Cunha*** Madagascar Libya CAR Comoros Liberia Reunion Chad Western Sahara Cameroon Guinea-Bissau DRC Kenya Zambia Swaziland Cote d’Ivoire Nigeria Namibia B. F. Guinea Mayotte Angola Uganda Tanzania Ghana Botswana Senegal Burundi Rwanda Lesotho Togo Benin Congo Mozambique Zimbabwe Malawi Algeria

The foods of Gabon

Gabonese food is a distinctive and delicious blend of traditional African ingredients and French flavours, though it jostles for space on local menus with Senegalese, Cameroonian and Congolese dishes, which are commonly served here.

Meals typically consist of meat or fish served with stewed vegetables and a sauce, generally sporting very hot chilli flavours. Having maintained strong links with France since independence, French staples such as croissants and baguettes can be found in the cities.

In more rural areas of the country, dishes tend to be simpler, relying on cassava, rice or yams. Bush meat such as monkey and antelope has been a traditional part of the Gabonese diet.


Braised fish: Bass or red fish braised with chilli flavours and served with rice or French fries.

Gabon - See the recipes Appetizer recipes coming soon

Main recipes

Skillet chicken and rice Side dishes recipes coming soon
Dessert recipes coming soon

Cooking in Gabon